Lingering Larks

The End of NaNoWriMo

For some of you, today gives you great reason to celebrate. You’ve achieved the coveted NaNoWriMo badge and all the accolades that accompany it.And then there are others who are asking themselves: what the F@$% is NaNoWriMo? Oh, let’s not forget those who have not met the NaNoWriMo…I have fallen into this category in the…

The copyright issue that we need to watch…

I am encouraging EVERY writer, artist, and creative type to head on over to the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America website and read Alan Dean Foster’s claims against Disney. Not only is it BONKERS if true, which I have no reason to believe it isn’t, but it has to potential to affect every…

Dialogue tags and all the bad advice….

One of the wonderful things about social media is that it provides a gateway for like-minded people to meet and interact in ways that weren’t around in previous decades. The ‘writing community’ is alive and thriving on several social media platforms, full of positive energy and a willingness—no eagerness to help. This is both good…

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